
What is internal communication?

What is internal communication?

This phenomenon occurs primarily in organizations, institutions and enterprises and generally may be present within any social group. It can be described as processes and mechanisms through which information flows and spreads to all members of a group to share necessary data to perform the activities that ultimately will affect the goals, which will be set by the directive board of the group which successfully implement internal communication techniques.

Internal communication is also known as corporate communication and institutional communication.

How it Works?

The core idea of the internal communication can be illustrated with a metaphor: a tribe has to hunt down and maintain the livelihood of its members. They must coordinate actions to kill a large bison. Internal communication and work: the chief announced to five of his best hunters that one of his informants have seen in the distance a herd of bison. It is important to share enough data so the tribe can prepare the strategy and to transmit the information to the team of each hunter in order to coordinate their actions to enable them to ambush, trap and hunt the animal. If any of the hunters do not have vital data such as “the terrain where they will bring the herd of bison is full of hidden holes they can fall into” then is possible that damage to the mission occurs and in the worst case, the breaking of a leg, so what would be even worse for the tribe, because not only they had lost the animal, but they will no longer have one of his hunters.

To disseminate information can be done through many communication vehicles as internal magazines, intranet, corporate videos, podcasts, news, posters, blackboards, bulletin boards, among many others. The important thing is that all members of an institution know where to direct their efforts to commit to the full.

What is it used?
The main function of internal communication is to allow free flow of information and data, in order to maximize coordination of teams with a view to achieving common goals, also work become more efficient by avoiding duplication of effort, with the internal communication it is possible to share the successes of the company which will enhance the building of ownership among members and the institution and with the proper internal strategy it is also possible to control and exploit the crisis.