Communication is a natural phenomenon that occurs as from a process by which a sender transmits intangible elements to a receiver that has the ability to interpret them. The word comes from Latin comunicare referring to the action of matching ideas and feelings with another person while in the general sense of the concept of communication this interaction is not only between people.
As such, communication can be subdivided into a wide range of variants that include: visual communication, verbal communication, audio communication, sensory communication, paralinguistic communication among many other types and in the same way if we talk about organizations, we in turn find: internal communication and internal communication.
What is it used?
The communication goes beyond simply matching, it is a process of transmission between a sender or source that has an idea, thought or information to be transmited to a receiver througout a channel or media, from which you can reach him to generate a response or if so required shall be obtained feedback.
Communication serves primarily to transmit knowledge, organizing and coordinating the units of a group or cause reactions.
With this understanding, for example, we have the action of sunlight on plants which receive sunlight to interpret this action to start photosynthesis. Clearly in this instance rays function both as messages and as raw material to cause the reaction to which we refer.
Moreover, a group of wolves through smells, sounds and other messages will coordinate an attack or keep his rivals back. As human beings communication gives them the ability to coordinate tasks to respond to any situation or event, or to perpetuate the knowledge gained from the experience and mental processes to later generations without the physical need that would entail.
How does it work?
The phenomenon of communication, according to Denis McQuail, expert in communication matters, is a process that involves a number of elements who have a common goal: to convey a message.
To understand this, it is necessary to explain the role and specific characteristics that identify each of the elements that comprise it:
Originator issuer: the feature is that it has initiated the process, begins to have an idea or a thought to pass on to another entity. May or may not know the receiver.
Encoding process: the activity that crosses the source to translate thoughts and ideas that is sending so that they can be perceived.
Message: is the actual physical product encoded by the source. Human beings have many to choose from and send messages.
Channel: they are a thousand ways in which the message can reach the receiver.
Decoding process: the action of physical interpret messages so that mean something.
Receiver: is itself the ultimate goal: the goal. In the receiver lies the task of decoding.
Feedback and Response: the possibility that the receiver has something to say to the issuer. Can be positive or negative.
Possible noise: is anything that may interfere with the arrival of the message. There are three types: semantic, mechanical and environmental factors.
Nonverbal communication
Denis McQuail, SVEN WINDALL, Models for the Study of Mass Communication, EUNSA.
CHARLES MORRIS, Fundamentals of the Theory of Signs, Planeta-Agostini.
PATRICE Flichy, A History of Modern Communication: Public Space and Private Life, Ed Gustavo Gili.
Pascal Weil, global communication, organizational communication and management, Polity Press.
MELVIN L. DE FLEUR, Fundamentals of Human Communication, McGraw Hill Interamericana.
JOSEPH R. Dominick, The Dynamics of Mass Communication, McGraw Hill Interamericana.