Imagine that we drive through the city, by wide avenues, intersections, traffic lights, etc.
Most of the information we receive (about 70 per cent) comes through the sense of sight followed by hearing, smell, touch and finally taste.
Colours, lights, signs, "continue", "stop", caution!, Buy!, And now!, And a huge parade crosses through our eyes in seconds. And this is only when we travel down the street.
Think of the number of ads that captures consciously or unconsciously throughout the day, heading to the office, magazines, newspapers, television, billboards, and on, and on!
Throughout this stage, the most important player is the image that lives within an ad.
Seeing an ad for dog food, we (probably) identify some sort of race. Almost literally see a German shepherd, but sorry to disappoint... this is not a dog.
What we really appreciate is ink of different colours which is arranged to the distance so the viewer can assimilate that image like an animal. Again, not a dog.
In the brain happens that the images refer to a reality. What enters the eye has the ability to "activate" something in our mind, something that looks into our files until you find that thing that exists in everyday life.
This is the power of images... and the advertising appeals to it.
Brands and products, depending on target who are attacking and a preliminary analysis of it, seek to create connections between what they sell to the potential buyer. This means that the image is more suitable to generate such a link.
Take one example:
An adult male approximately 45 years old driving his car by a well known street in Mexico City. Is unlikely to turn to see the announcement of a mobile phone that is targeted at six-teen-years-old girls. Unless andropause generates a hormonal imbalance in this adul male, the announcement along with its colors and design will be completely indifferent to his mind because it is not "receptive" to that message.
Conversely, if a spectacular of the magazine Maxim crosses his eyes, he in fact turns around and see it (and who does not?)! The picture as a whole acts as a magnet for his eyes. Besides the content is exclusive to the male audience, has topics of interest and, above all, advertising aimed straight at him... and do not missed.
Print advertising in whatever canvas, seeks to "click" with your target audience, this is achieved, based on the interests and needs of each market segment, of each person.
To be satisfied with the product that captures our attention.
So the next time you surprise your boyfriend taking a quick look to a Victoria Secret's ad you should not worry, most likely, is his natural attraction to the opposite sex who is acting right there, not because he's looking for lingerie.
Pics taken from: