What is a receiver?
¿Qué es un receptor?
What is a channel?
¿Qué es un canal?
What is a communication vehicle?
¿Qué es un vehículo comunicativo?
What is a message?
The set of symbols, signs and meanings encoded according to the rules of a specific language that are in charge of carrying a concept or abstract idea to be decoded by a receiver. The message is forged on the transmitter, is mounted on a vehicle of communication and is sent through a specific channel in order to get a reaction in the recipient.
How it works?
The issuer is in charge of preparing the message for which is based on a process which automatically or not selects symbols and signs(e.g.: in the case of language the process is automatic, being this symbols auditive, visual or any another. This will be referred to encode an idea keeping in mind that the receiver will have enough rules to decode the message and correctly interpret the main idea that travel from sender to him.
For instance, the message is like an aircraft designed by the issuer or builders of the aircraft, it has to land on the receiver or airport, in which passagner will come out of the airplane, just as ideas come out from the message. If the designers of the airplane do not take into account the characteristics of the track, the dimensions, which are the radios and other gadgets needed to operate the plane, it is probably not possible to land at the airport and therefore passengers (message) will never come down in perfect condition.
What is it used?
As mentioned, the message is a fundamental particle in communication that carries the central idea that the sender wants to transmit to the recipient. If this is not well designed, as shown, the receiver simply find it very difficult to understand or abstract the idea that is enclosed in the message, or simply it will be impossible to get the idea.
When deciding to send a message, it is look to define exactly how they will be done, so we must first define the channel which will contact the receiver and the communicative vehicle that will go into it. Continuing the example of the airplane, the channel would be "air" and the vehicle "a Boeing 747".
¿Qué es un mensaje?
What is a sender?
¿Qué es emisor?
What is the theory of Lasswell?
What is the theory of Laswell?
Harold D. Laswell political scientist, who published in 1948 a magazine article for The Communication of Ideas just as follows, “an appropriate way to describe an act of communication is to answer the following questions: Who says what in what channel to whom and with what effect?”
Through this Laswell proposed a linear concentration formula using the five elements mentioned above, becoming the first communication theory explaining this phenomenon.
How it works?
Laswell delineated the elements found in any communicative phenomenon, starting with “Who?”, which is the issuer, following with “Says what?” that refers to the message that is directly related to the question “In what channel?” that tells us in detail how the message was sent to the recipient or “To Whom?”. The reaction of the think being communicated is touched in the clause “With what effect?”.
This phrase is known as the Formula of Laswell, which was created after the First World War, after learning that the warring nations had used propaganda as a weapon. This was the phenomenon that Laswell decided to study and why he developed this theory. As such, the formula helps explain Laswell’s political communication when it comes to handling, which is why at the end of the sentence adds "With what effect?" As propaganda for a specific reaction in the audience, just wanted to report data concise and propaganda in most cases
One year after its publications, Laswell's approach also served as a reference for the works Claude Shannon and Warren Weaver presented his Mathematical Theory of Communication, this model conceived communication as the transmission of messages, such as a simple linear process showing a process of easily understood. The model, however, is imperfect, lacking an important element: the feedback or response.
HAROLD D. LASSWELL, et al, El Estudio de las Políticas Públicas.
LASSWELL, Propaganda Technique in World War I, MIT Studies in comparative politics.
RODNEY MUTH, et al, Harold D. Lasswell: An Annotated Bibliography.
¿Qué es la teoría de Lasswell?
Harold D. Lasswell especialista en ciencia política, publicó en 1948 un artículo para la revista The Communication of Ideas que comenzaba: un modo adecuado para describir un acto de comunicación consiste en responder a las siguientes preguntas:
“¿Quién? ¿Dice qué? ¿En qué canal? ¿A quién? ¿Con qué efecto?”
Es decir, se propuso una fórmula de concentración lineal conformada por estos cinco elementos a manera de preguntas hiladas en una sola, convirtiéndose en la primera teoría de comunicación que explicaba de manera general este fenómeno.
¿Cómo funciona?
Lasswell delimitó casi todos los elementos que se encuentran en todo fenómeno comunicativo, empezando por el ¿Quién?, que será el emisor, siguiendo con ¿Dice qué?, refiriéndose al mensaje que se relaciona directamente con la partícula ¿En qué canal? que nos dice con mayor detalle cómo es que el mensaje se ha enviado al receptor o ¿A quién?, contemplando una reacción con la pregunta ¿Con qué efecto? Aunque de forma general.
¿Para qué sirve?
A esta frase se le conoce como la Fórmula de Lasswell, la cual fue creada después de la Primera Guerra Mundial, tras conocer que las naciones en conflicto habían utilizado la propaganda como arma. Este fue el fenómeno que Lasswell decidió estudiar y por la cual realizó su teoría. Como tal, la fórmula lasswelliana ayuda a explicar la comunicación política cuando se trata de manipular, es por ello que al final de la oración añade “¿Con qué efecto?” pues toda propaganda busca una reacción específica en el público; sólo buscaba informar datos concisos y propaganda en la mayoría de los casos
El planteamiento de Lasswell sirvió también como referencia para que al año siguiente de su publicación, Claude Shannon y Warren Weaver presentaran su Mathematical Theory of Communication; este modelo concebía a la comunicación como la transmisión de mensajes, como un proceso lineal simple mostrando un proceso de fácil comprensión. El modelo, sin embargo, es imperfecto, pues carece de un elemento importante: el feedback o respuesta.
HAROLD D. LASSWELL, et al, El Estudio de las Políticas Públicas.
LASSWELL, Propaganda Technique in World War I, MIT Studies in comparative politics.
RODNEY MUTH, et al, Harold D. Lasswell: An Annotated Bibliography.
What are theories of communication?
What are theories of communication?
They are models that attempt to recreate and explain the operation under controlled conditions of specific phenomena within the communication. Communication can be viewed from various angles and for each one there are a number of ways of explaining them.
Theories seek to ensure that these explanations are tested through scientific methods such as field experimentation that takes place in the social sciences, among which we find the most common strategies like: polling, creation of focus groups and direct observation to the event being studied.
Furthermore, before a theory is considered as such, it suffers constantly testing to help confirm that the phenomena happen with a probability of 99% as suggested.
How they work?
The specific phenomenon of communication we are referring to is exemplified by not just words, but by diagrams to explain it, clearly delineating each part that goes into action and outlining the role of each one. Thus, communication scientist shows us the relationship between parts of the fact being studied, and how each one is affected by the other.
What are they used?
To shape theories of communication is important to know with sufficient detail how a phenomenon works in order to remark the comprehension of it and if possible use it to our own benefit, always in an ethical and responsible way and having into consideration that every action we take should positively affect our neighbors and the environment in which it is performed.
For example, if we choose as a phenomenon, the perception of advertising in children 2 to 5 years, we know how the components of the phenomenon are relate and how they affect to each one, in this case, advertising, perception and children from 2 to 5 years. Knowing the relationship will, as above mentioned, make 99 per cent of children from 2 to 5 years perceive correctly the messages that are being generated for them.
DAVID K. BERLO, The process of communication an introduction to theory and practice, Ed. El Ateneo.
DENIS MCQUAIL, Introduction to Mass Communication Theories, Paidós.
JOSÉ CARLOS LOZANO RENDÓN, Mass Communication Theory and Research, Alhambra.