
What is the Domain Name System?

What is the Domain Name System (DNS)?
It is a tool that acts like a directory of the domains that exist in Internet. The Domain Name System helps to prioritize and classify a file, in order to be located easily, as it translates the domain names into Internet Protocol addresses, controlling also the electronic mail delivery. Without the DNS it would be impossible for a computer access to websites.

How does it work?
The DNS consist of three basic components: the resource records or DNS data, the name servers and the Internet Protocol. The files or domains are distributed all around the world, and are organized in zones. Each zone is kept on servers that will receive queries asking for a specific domain which due to the DNS has been translated into an Internet Protocol, therefore, what the server is looking for are numbers.

The prioritizing method used by the DNS was created to use the normal distribution of domain names and IP in a hierarchy of authority. Because of this, there must be a DNS server near to your access provider that maps the domain names in your Internet requests or forwards them to other servers in the Internet.

What is it for?
The DNS is a system that helps to translate the domain name into an IP and then track it within the entire Internet.


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